Home One Novotek Your success, our goal

Novotek has been delivering solutions since 1986, providing necessary application knowledge to our customers, speaking your industry in your language.

That combined with a network of global and local partners in all industries completes the map and makes it possible for us to support customers anywhere, anytime.

Solutions that offer openness, scalability, and flexibility

The combination of experience from many applications, a portfolio of the best products in the market together with a sense for our clients’ business needs, enables us to offer the right solution to you as a customer. A solution which offers openness, scalability and flexibility without compromising on quality or price. At a time when outsourcing and streamlined organisations have made businesses overly-dependent on individual players, we open and scalable solutions offer an alternative to the rigid solutions provided that locks you in as many offers in the market.

Ways to supplement existing investments

By focusing on the outcomes and improvements our customers seek, rather than on any single product we offer, we can often find ways to supplement existing investments with new elements that fit the need, which is better for you both in terms of cost and speed to having a solution.

This is our way
Customers’ success is everything

Success for you is a success for us. Industrial digitalization and automation are today the main means of competition in the fight to maintain efficient production and to stay ahead in the global race. We continuously monitor the markets to be able to support the most efficient way to operate our clients’ systems, whether that is in the cloud, on premises or in any hybrid form. Being side-by-side with customers, experiencing their challenges, is key and therefore it is Novotek’s ambition that as many as possible of our employees shall have direct customer contact.

The Balance between products and services, standard and flexibility

The key to success for Novotek lies in choosing an optimal solution. A solution which does not maximise the number of engineer hours or add unnecessary products, but offers a good balance between services and products. A mix which has such a balance in that it meets the customers’ needs today as well as tomorrow. This requires scalability, openness, mobility and, not least, accountability. Novotek therefore takes on the responsibility for the included products that is delivered, so our customers can feel secure. Novotek supplements the products with services which are required to meet the customers’ needs and will ensure, together with our partners, that the solution implemented can be operated in the best way.

Innovation the key to survivial

The solutions used in industrial IT and automation today are very different from yesterday and the pace of transformation are increasing constantly. Different deployment strategies, multiple seamless integration with other systems and do it all securely is just a couple of requirements. The global trend of digitalisation is transforming sector after sector and it will affect most in the coming years. All will need new customers offerings and many will have to adopt new business models but all will have to continue to improve their productivity. Novotek’s solutions have always been based on an open approach, facilitating change and innovation and being able to incorporate new technology like AI/ML and Additive production.


Scalability is a must
to grow

Today the ability to start small, scale and grow with your solution is something that everyone expects from any system. The prime manifestation of this view is the trend towards SaaS (cloud computing), where scalability is integrated in the solution. All solutions sold by Novotek enable users to start small – so customers can “dip their toes in the waters” – and then expand and add functions to the solution as the requirements grow. All without having to start all over from scratch. With that comes also the right support services for managing this process of rapid application development with constant change and pivoting. Novotek supports and collaborates with our customers in their efforts to become more agile in their work with industrial digitalization in all forms.


Local: on the corner

The key to effective collaboration is to know one another, this is the way between Novotek and its customers. It is close enough to be able to offer support and service our products and solutions in your language and to be able to help out with smaller things without big costs.

Novotek also have partners to ensure that we can secure full implementation services locally to our customers and that we can take the role in the implementation that our customer wants us to take.

One Novotek

The Novotek Group has the same ambition in all countries in which we operates with the same production and solution offerings. Novotek aims to give its customers better solutions, faster support and a wider product portfolio in our territory. Cross-border collaboration also makes our organisation more efficient and uniform, which cuts costs and improves the efficiency of our sales and marketing activities that results in better profitability and high customer satisfaction.