Home News Novotek announces an addition to their management team
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Novotek announces an addition to their management team

..and placing a richer focus on people, digital transformation and business innovation.

Having previously created various offerings within industrial digitalization, Novotek has taken the next step to extend and enhance the management group, by adding Veronika Grozdanovska.

Veronika has extensive experience in delivering digital industrial solutions across the globe, to various sectors and vertical markets. Veronika has worked with some of the industry leaders, including, General Electric(GE) and performed several senior and leadership roles. Most recently, Veronika returned to Sweden, having taken a role with Novotek to develop and support our customers create their digital journey.

”My ambition is always to inspire people towards common goals. I strongly believe that with the right communication to the right people at the right time is the key to any success. I am truly looking forward to guide and lead the digital transformation development at Novotek together with our customers and partners. Novotek have given me the freedom and possibility I have been looking for in a role where I together with my new colleagues will develop innovative business models and guide our customers through their digital journey, In order for them to succeed and continue to be relevant in the new digital reality.” says Veronika.

During Veronika’s career, she was working with and for various blue chip industrial organizations, gaining firsthand experience on how to start, plan and implement industrial IT solutions.
Veronika’s passion is to merge people and cultures into the digital journey, not only focusing on technology. ”Change and innovation culture is more important than technology” according to Veronika.

Novotek’s key to success during our fantastic 35-year history always started with technology and moved towards business flows and processes. At Novotek, we identified a need to pivot, by adding a new dimension to our approach, as Tobias Antius, CEO Novotek, explains;” This is the natural next step in both Novotek’s and our customers common journey where we connect all parts of digital solutions of the future, it is clear, you have to look at the whole value chain. To get people into this transformation is crucial in order for the new technical solutions to work. I see Veronika as the right person to take on this challenge and I’m looking forward to what she will add to our management.”

As of today’s date, Veronika will join the management group at Novotek taking responsibility for digital transformation and innovation. Working within the holding company Novotek AB in the role as Chief Innovation Officer, reporting directly to CEO Tobias Antius.

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