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In order to create this climate, we have a strong focus on developing our staff and let them grow in their own directions. We do this by believing in all individuals that we employ and by giving them development plans so they can visualize their journey.

The Novotek company culture is summarized in our core values that read CARE. CARE is an acronym for Competent, Agile, Reliable and Enthusiastic. These words describe very well the feeling the customers and we have about us.

Competent: The foundation for our company is that we can deliver a service or solution and this requires competence in all aspects of industrial digitalization, automation and analytics. We have specialists in all fields ranging from ERP connectivity down to construction of electrical installations in the field.

Agile: Novotek has always consist of pioneers in the field of industrial IT and automation. We started in PC based automation where we were the first and we have been the first or at least have had a leading position in the introduction of MES and production management. The most important thing is that we intend to keep this ability to adapt and to give our customers the opportunity to stay ahead.

Reliable: To leave someone behind or alone is not the way of Novotek. We stand behind each other and our customers. If a member of our team is in need of support, we are there for them. The same principle goes for our relationships with our customers since they put the most vital parts of their production in our hands.

Enthusiastic: Loving the things you do gives you a tremendous amount of energy and always results in better solutions and services. Therefore the enthusiasm for the things we do are vital to us and we strive to create the right feeling.

Do you feel like Novotek is your next place, contact us!

We are always looking for competent personnel to our offices. Please contact us by sending an e-mail with your CV or give us a call.